Lesson Plan 1: INVISIBLE - 'Before' Viewing Questions

Before viewing the movie, please read the following questions, and then as you view the film, jot down ideas...
...for your own answers. Please be prepared to discuss your ideas and answers after the viewing. Look for the bonus questions below.

'Before' Viewing Questions - 15-20 minutes

1. Who was Abbott Thayer and when and where did he live?  What activities did Abbott Thayer find interesting as he was growing up? 
2. Themes. Identify and describe three themes of Abbott Thayer’s work and life.
3. Courage. Abbott Thayer had the motivation and courage to speak up to take a stand to protect places and animals. With Thayer's courage as inspiration, write a one-page description of an act of courage you have made on your own, or would like to make in the future.
4. Travel. Where did Thayer travel to study? Did this location affect his life later?

5. Style. What is special about Thayer’s style of art, in the context of his time? How long did it take Thayer to finish a painting? Did he belong to a school, and what were his favorite subjects?

6. Friends. Abbott Thayer was respected by the most talented contemporaries, connoisseurs and art collectors, naturalists. Who were some of his contemporaries in the art world, friends, models, students, patrons? With whom was Thayer at odds?

7. Beliefs. What writers and thinkers did he most admire, and what were his core beliefs? What events caused him despair?

8. Fame. Where were his works on display? Where are they now?

9. Monadnock. How did he happen to live at Mount Monadnock? What was unusual about his home?

10. Camouflage. How did he imagine and discover his ideas for camouflage? What observations were the foundation of his camouflage work?

Bonus Questions - Answer at least two and as many more as you wish.
A. Nature. Abbott Thayer wrote in the book Concealing Coloration, "The color-relations of earth, sky, water, and vegetation are practically the same the world over, and one may read on an animal's coat the main facts of his habits and habitat, without ever seeing him in his home." What was special about Thayer’s relationship to nature and why?

B. In the eyes of an artist, is snow white? Explain.

C. Conservation. What discovery inspired Thayer to take action to preserve the Monadnock environment? With whom did he collaborate? What evidence survives to this day, and where?

D. War. Describe Thayer’s efforts to present camouflage to the army and navy here and abroad. What evidence of his unique efforts survive to this day, and where?

E. Legacy. Think about the long-lasting results of Abbott Thayer’s artistic inspiration and dedication. Is Abbott Thayer well known in the world today?

F. Eccentric. Abbott Thayer's lifestyle was unusual. Give examples of his behavior that are a reflection of his being a true genius, and how he coped with manic depression or being bi-polar. 

G. Hero. Thayer seemed surrounded by family, students, models and friends. Do you see Abbott Thayer as a mentor or hero? Why or why not?

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